Looking for a 10 string.

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Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 25 Septembre 2009, 13:37

If I tried to write in French it might be tres amusant? but not make much sense!

So I am looking for a 10 string Stick - I am in England.

Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar mcoconut » 28 Septembre 2009, 10:29

Hi Andrew

You have a man to contact in England , Robin , He does some seminar in England

In france you 'll have Ebay or check sometimes a litle eye on the forum , some seller of 10 stings appear

keep in touch ;)
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Messages: 535
Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 22:42

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar Yannick » 28 Septembre 2009, 10:35


Someone was selling a 10 strings here.
I think it's still available.
Trésorier de l'AFSTG Association Française du Stick et de la Tape-Guitare
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Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 16:18
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Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 28 Septembre 2009, 10:48

Thanks for the heads up.

I think I should look for a Stick with an adjustable bridge. I am not so sure about the polycarbonate Sticks. Although they have a unique tone, I think I want to get a wooden Stick.

My French is so bad, but I am glad to have found AFSTG :D

Thanks again.
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar mcoconut » 28 Septembre 2009, 13:33

Hi Andrew

We will have a seminar next year , hope to see you there , to make the contact and have a discussion around some good beers

The name of the english tapper is Robin Chowdhurry

I understand for the choice of the stick , wood is a life in your hand

See u

Mac :)
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Messages: 535
Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 22:42

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 28 Septembre 2009, 15:38

Hi Mac,

That is exactly it with wood :D
I will look up Robin and see if he knows of anyone selling in England.
Watching videos of the many great stick players I think it would be a long time before I could play in front of other people :oops: :mrgreen:
There is a bass teacher near me who also plays Stick so I will have to see if he will give me some lessons when I get a Stick.

Thanks again.
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar Warwick » 22 Octobre 2009, 18:09

Hi Andrew.
I haven't got a Stick for sale but I'll keep my eyes and ears open. I'm in the South West of England and at times in Brittany, and I hope to be at the Stick weekend in Trentemoult in May - hope to see you there?
Messages: 9
Inscrit le: 25 Avril 2009, 10:03

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 23 Octobre 2009, 01:01

Hi Warwick,
Thank you.
Not sure if I will make it to Trentemoult but my wife would love anything that would persuade me to drive her to France : )
All the best.
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar Ben » 25 Octobre 2009, 12:12

Hi, there are some models available at Stick Inc. :

new models :
10 strings rosewood, ivory linears and you can choose either the ACTV-2 or the PASV-4 but not a Stickup because the cavity is routed for The Block.
12 strings light bamboo, black pearl dots, ACTV-2 or PASV-4.
you can choose your tuning, your string gauge and the color of tuners you want.

used model :

10 Strings rosewood, classic, medium gauges, ACTV-2, white pearl dots, combo tuners. 2000$ with case and cord.

Ben from France.
Secrétaire de l'AFSTG et autorisé par Emmett Chapman à noix-de-cocoter le président de l'AFSTG (en profondeur m'a-t-il dit)
Messages: 65
Inscrit le: 24 Avril 2009, 20:13
Localisation: Orsay

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 25 Octobre 2009, 13:44

Thanks Ben,

I have sent an email to Yuta.
The shipping cost and the tax may put the $2000 just beyond my budget.

Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25


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