12 strings artist Warr for sale

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12 strings artist Warr for sale

Messagepar tomasmerlo » 18 Juillet 2009, 12:05

Hi my name is Tomas Merlo, i´m selling my Warr, is a 12strings 6+6 neck throug with piezo in all 12 strings, midi at the melody side, all made with seven beautiful laminate pieces of wood, and it´s in perfect shape, i include hard case, if you want to check pictures and sounds go to www.myspace.com/tomaswarr , if you are interested write me to tomasmerlo1@hotmail.com, i´m asking 2500eu for it, by the way i´m living in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Thank you!
Messages: 1
Inscrit le: 18 Juillet 2009, 10:32

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