Looking for a 10 string.

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Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar Sir Edward » 05 Novembre 2009, 16:51

Hello Andrew I have a 10 str polycarbonate to sell for 1.200 Euros . If you are interested you can call me at 0033497191688
Sir Edward
Messages: 3
Inscrit le: 15 Octobre 2009, 17:46

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 06 Novembre 2009, 01:37

Hi Sir Edward,
I think although the polycarbonate Sticks have a sound all of their own, I feel I would prefer a wooden Stick. I guess I am just funny that way ; )

Mind you if nothing else comes up I might just come back to you.
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 16 Novembre 2009, 17:10

Thanks to everyone for their help.

Although I was looking for a 10 string I have now bought a 12 string Grand and it is fantastic. Now I just have to spend the next few years learning how to play :D
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar grozeil » 16 Novembre 2009, 18:57

Do you know your message is worthless without pics? :mrgreen:
Messages: 1730
Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 17:33

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar mcoconut » 16 Novembre 2009, 19:54

Hi surfindogg

That's a good !!! welcome in the world of , how can I do , where do I go , where can I find... and more

If you have any question or need some help , don't hesitate we will please you ,have a good tapping , have a good practising and enjoy with youtube , Stickist.com, and many many more , hope to see you in a next seminar... ;)
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Messages: 535
Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 22:42

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar surfindogg » 17 Novembre 2009, 11:03

:D I will get some pics for you soon. At the moment I am having too much fun. :D
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 24 Septembre 2009, 10:25

Re: Looking for a 10 string.

Messagepar mcoconut » 17 Novembre 2009, 16:49

Yeah !!!! have fun !! :D :P :lol:
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Messages: 535
Inscrit le: 21 Avril 2009, 22:42


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