Hi guys,
greetings to everybody in this Stick group!
I'm involved in a new experience through the Internet. There is a list of players I'll be working with this year, with some available openings in the schedule for those who wish to participate.
Full info http://www.facebook.com/guillermocides/ ... 3859600276

Association Française du Stick et de la Tape Guitare
Discussions autour du tapping polyphonique / polyrythmique sur instruments dédiés ou conventionnels
Chapman Stick & Guillermo Cides: personal training
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Chapman Stick & Guillermo Cides: personal training
Dernière édition par stickista le 23 Mars 2012, 12:09, édité 1 fois au total.
- stickista
- Messages: 9
- Inscrit le: 22 Mars 2012, 17:02
Re: Chapman Stick & Guillermo Cides: personal training
stickista a écrit:Hi guys,
greetings to everybody in this Stick group!
I'm involved in a new experience through the Internet. There is a list of players I'll be working with this year, with some available openings in the schedule for those who wish to participate. Contact me for more info.
Hola Guillermo,
interesante tu nuevo proyecto. No se como conectarme contigo con skype porque no se tu "nombre skype". El mio es igual que aqui..."kataway".
Si es un intercambio entre musicos pienso de verdad que eso puede ser muy interesante. Explicar su forma de ver el instrumento por ejemplo o tal vez como pensarlo...pensarlo por ejemplo de una forma muy bien estructurada o con mucha improvisacion.
Bueno...estoy interesado...solamente la hora mia que es muy diferente de la suya porque vivo en la Republica Dominicana...aparte de eso, no hay problemas mayores.
Adios...hasta pronto...lo espero...
Alain - Messages: 1058
- Inscrit le: 20 Novembre 2009, 23:56
- Localisation: Shawinigan, Québec
Re: Chapman Stick & Guillermo Cides: personal training
Hello Stickistas,
Thanks for all your emails and FB messages about the new "personal meeting with Stick players through Skype" that's is running right now.
I'll fix to 15 the numbers of musicians who I'll be working this time since that's all I can afford with my time righ now.
There is only a couple of places available in the schedule, please contact me if you are interested. I guess there will be more available places in a near future when the schedule start to "move" again.
full info http://www.facebook.com/guillermocides
If you want to work "face to face", we will be tutoring in the next Italian Stick meeting together with Roberto Fiorucci, A. Pelat. G. Howard, Atreio and all the guys from Italy, don't miss this funny-hollyday-musical meeting.
happy music,
Thanks for all your emails and FB messages about the new "personal meeting with Stick players through Skype" that's is running right now.
I'll fix to 15 the numbers of musicians who I'll be working this time since that's all I can afford with my time righ now.
There is only a couple of places available in the schedule, please contact me if you are interested. I guess there will be more available places in a near future when the schedule start to "move" again.
full info http://www.facebook.com/guillermocides
If you want to work "face to face", we will be tutoring in the next Italian Stick meeting together with Roberto Fiorucci, A. Pelat. G. Howard, Atreio and all the guys from Italy, don't miss this funny-hollyday-musical meeting.
happy music,
- stickista
- Messages: 9
- Inscrit le: 22 Mars 2012, 17:02
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